Thursday, June 20, 2013

Employed like a real person... or something

Today marked the day of my official employment. I have a job- just like a real person! Who knew I could be a real person?

Entonces, it was pretty good. All I did was get oriented, but I like the accounts I am working on- huzzah! I am going to be doing lots of media planning/ buying with a splash of social and sem.

My supervisors got me pizza for lunch on my first day, but there is also Jaigermeister, soda, and fancy coffee in the kitchen (in addition to tons of snacks and breakfast foods). Also, tomorrow is burgerday (#TGIBD!?!), which means everyone sits at a long table together and eats a ton of burgers for lunch together (every Friday)- super cute. Also also, dogs are allowed! Also also also, there is a sun roof where I can do work. I might just be most excited about dogs and food, but my situation is pretty ideal- not going to lie. Plus, the agency has quite a few awards and has a few satellite offices. Pretty excited for the work to come.

In the mean time, I have been going to museums and spending too much money on clothes (READ: J. Crew sample sale with Audrey!). Oh, and as usual- eating lots of good food. I was home for the last few days (Father's Day) and might be doing Tropfest Saturday or the beach ... or something. Going out with Auds tomorrow! Anyways, Michelle and I made shrimp gumbo yesterday. It was pretty ideal. Also, still loving working on my @unthunkable twitter account- so fun. In other other news, I am brainstorming a piece to write for my roommate Kayla's 'zine'... updates to come... (this paragraph is very add, but I like it, so didn't really edit it).


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