Saturday, March 23, 2013

Spring Break 2013!

This is what I did on Spring Break:
This is about to get scandalous, dear readers… but not at all. Unlike many of my peers who went to Chile, Singapore, Puerto Rico, Anguilla, and Hawaii (warm places!), I didn’t venture further than the Midwest.

My Saturday started off at 2:30 AM after an insignificant amount of sleep and watching the first 2 episodes of Girls. So far, I think all of the characters are pretty awful, but I guess you are supposed to hate them. It is really funny, though. I also think the main character, Hannah, is the worst so far because even though she does run into issues, she takes the attitude that things are ‘happening’ to her instead of is totally self-absorbed when she tries to actually ‘take action’ for herself. I am very intrigued and have been watching as a fun form of procrastination.

Saturday, I headed off to Chicago airport to get to exotic Milwaukee for Wes’s funeral (refer to my last post for more details). It was nice to see family. We did get German brunch, which I am a fan of. We collectively decided our family is good at eating.

I went back home to CT on Monday night and vegetated for the rest of the week. I have been trying to get ahead in homework, sleeping, coding, and applying for jobs. Basically, same as I would be doing otherwise, but with more free time minus not being stuck in airports or on buses. I also bought things to support the commercial enterprise that is America.

Getting back into the city today- yayyyyy!

(And because I am behind) This is what I did last week:
To start this post off right, last week I ate at: Bare Burger (won a gift card and got the jerk chicken burger and split a banana peanut butter vanilla shake with Michelle); Lena (got a grilled chicken salad and a blackberry juice with my two of my awesome Coty coworkers); Argo (I really need to end this habit, but I told myself it was healthier than other stuff and justified the whole tea situation); Souvlaki GR (we wanted to go to Meatball Shop, but there was a 2 hour wait. I devoured my souvlaki. It was delicious.); Lula’s Sweet Apothecary (caramel with ginger cookies ice cream); BBQ (not even worth explaining, but I hung out with Jon and his sister a bit); Murray’s Bagels (I obsessed over this day in and day out. Lost sleep- worrying about my bagels. It was a serious situation. My uncle asked me to pick up some bagels to take to Wisconsin, so I got 2-dozen assorted bagels from the Chelsea spot and froze them. I had to plan where to get bagels, how to get them (last minute delivery fell through, so I walked), how to store them, and how to pack them. It took way more effort than I anticipated, but I ate a poppy seed one for lunch Friday when it was still hot and I reached a new level of divination. Bagels= magic. And friendship= magic. Therefore, bagels must also= friendship. Basic math.); and hit up Eataly for a late night gelato run (vanilla with cornbread cookie crumble and salted caramel in a cone happened).

What else did I do last week?  
A splash of homework and job applications and a dash of things of similar variety. By this I mean participating in yet another ridiculous Stern ‘marketing study’ where I had to answer questions ranging from females’ unattractiveness in photos (so messed up on so many levels, so I chose 5 for every single photo. You can throw out my answers, Stern. You’re welcome.) to eating/ ‘evaluating’ my experience eating Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans (read: me also not eating sausage jelly beans because I have standards #SorryI'mNotSorry.). I also went to some Wasserman talks to get into a stronger career frame of mind.  There is still 5-10% (it varies depending on the time of day) that is like ‘I am moving to Thailand and am going to teach children English.’ Then, there is the other 5% of my decision making that tells myself to do that in 3-5 years. Maybe maybe. Otherwise, still going to class, eating with friends, trying to get a job, and coding. I will probably continue to do this for the rest of the semester.

The power of imagination makes us infinite.
- John Muir

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