Friday, May 31, 2013

This strange week

After coming back into the city from being home for Memorial Day, I have been going on more interviews and hanging out with friends.

Tuesday- Drove into the city, went on a few interviews, looked at a dog to potentially adopt (we didn't), got dinner at Katz's Deli (I had never been before), crepes at The Crooked Tree with friends.
Wednesday- Lunch with a friend before he left for a long time at Beyond Sushi, tea at Virage with friends, pizza at Two Boots, improv comedy show at Upright Citizen's Brigade
Thursday- Yoga, groceries, MoMA, LPQ (so good!), shopping in Soho, burgers at Soho Park, hanging out with friends in NoLIta
Today is Friday! I have been doing laundry, cooking, and doing monotonous administrative tasks. Going out to dinner or something later tonight. I have been so tired!

Some things I have been thinking about:
1. How I need more experience before I start my own business- in both working at an agency and maybe recipe development/ nutrition
2. How I might actually keep on with Unixchange (I love my partners)
3. Teaching English in Thailand
4. Learning more code
5. Being in this weird limbo state of almost fully employed and a non-student that could just pretend to be on vacation. Am I on vacation?
6. NYC itself- as a city, what the people who live here actually do, and what it means to live here. There are a lot of implications and unspoken social codes- walking fast, looking straight, and focusing on what you are doing right now. Also, what are all of those people doing eating at the same restaurant as my friends and I in the middle of the day? Where are they from? What do they do? Who are they with?

In a lot of ways, being a New Yorker is selfish and that makes living here really hard. At the same time, good friends make a huge difference. In a lot of ways, my friends are like my second family. I spend so much time with them and love them a ton. I guess a big difference is that I don't live with all of them and we never fight. I also never really got that one tight-knit group of friends that all of those cheesy movies about college normalize, but then again, I am pretty weird (then again, everyone thinks they are pretty weird).

I have a lot of friends from different aspects of my life, but on the strange occasions when they meet each other, they also seem to fall in love. I am really thankful to have people in my life who love and support me.

Ok, this got really cheesy- back to NYC -> if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere. Everyone agrees that this is overly stated, but 100% true. I am trying to make it. TBC...

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