Thursday, June 13, 2013

On work and identity

Society is much too dominated by cultural capitalistic values that dictate our personal identities. The last few months, this value has literally consumed me. I know I can be quite obsessive- especially when it comes to my personal life and future. Like I have said about many things, I need to get over it, but it is something that won't go away- even in my own mind. A person who works at a certain company is considered to have certain attributes or characteristics- and therefore is considered to have x value- both by themselves, their coworkers, and society members unaffiliated with the organization. The work they do and the company they work for determines both personal and outside perceptions of that person. Of course, there are factors at play that determine how that individual got to work at that company in that position, but the heuristics at play speak too loudly.

Such notions bring to question:
1. Who am I as a person?
2. What value does my work represent of me as a human being?
3. If I work at a 'less prestigious company' and do more interesting/ significant/ ethical/ better work than at a 'more prestigious company,' is the work I do (and therefore myself) less valuable?
4. Does any of this even matter?

The only question I can answer is 'Why have I been torturing myself with this infinite loop of questions?' The answer is as I discussed above, societal expectations- some of which I have implemented onto myself and some of which have been implemented onto me (and then back onto myself).

Having just graduated from college and avoiding the impending debt-doom that is grad school (for now) in the current economic climate, the challenge of finding a job has been quite frustrating. At the same time, I saw, came, and conquered after choosing a good offer that I had.


To avoid ranting further about specific company's hiring practices, I have listed my most recent small accomplishments:
1. Finished school (for now)
2. Got an apartment (with laundry machines?!? in a beautiful, *delicious* neighborhood)
3. Got a job

On a fatter note, here are some places I have eaten lately (since eating is also an accomplishment): Cafe Mogador, Macaron Parlor, Spot, Caracas, The Bean, Crooked Tree (my spot!), Xi'an Famous Food, 2Eight2 Burger (why did I go to Brooklyn?), Chipotle (my friend works there and I got a bogo deal), La Palapa, La Bottega, Ngam (soooooo good), V Bar, Just Sweet, Maison Kayser (need to go again!), Pop Bar, LPQ, Soho Park, Alice's Tea Cup, and probably more places I can't remember. #truelife

In terms of others things I have been up to, I joined Crunch and I love my gym. I am an out of shape little monkey, but it feels good to be taking care of myself. Hopefully, this monkey will also be healthier in the long run. No friends made at the gym, but I have two new friends- Kayla and Audrey- and I like them both a lot. Hopefully, I will also make friends with the people I work with- I start Monday (who am I?). This whole finding a job thing has been an interesting journey to say the least. I have been in a weird state of limbo- being a college grad and not having any specific responsibility expect for planning for the future. I love the time I have spent with friends over the last month, but the winds of change are blowing once again. I am embracing them wholeheartedly.

So what are some of my goals for the near future?
1. Keep on going to the gym regularly.
2. Cook more of my meals to save money and eat consciously.
3. Work my ass off!
4. Spend time with friends!
5. Be present in the moments of life
6. Write

In other other news, I made a fake Twitter. Follow @unthunkable!!!


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