Saturday, December 7, 2013

Wisconsin for Thanksgiving

My creative juices (and perhaps ability to think) have dried up.

It is the first time in a long time where I have traveled somewhere and didn’t have any work I HAD to do. I don’t have any papers to write or jobs to apply to. I can just chill out. Plus, I haven’t been reading as much as I would like or watching as many shows. I will have a bit of time to catch.

Plus, even when I get back to the city, I will be able to hang out some more because I am going to be on vacation the following week- in Puerto Rico. I feel like I really needed a break. Have been feeling constantly exhausted with working or coaching every day. Lately, I have been working really late and didn’t have time to go to the gym, which has been depressing to say the least.

There is part of me that wants to fall asleep and another that is invigorated by all of the possibilities and time to be spent frolicking.

Right now, I should focus on going to Wisconsin, but it is hard to stop my mind from wandering into sunsets and sand. For now, I am excited to see my family and don’t think I will mind the (even colder) weather too much. I also won’t mind the abundance of food that comes with Thanksgiving, either. The combination of Thanksgiving and Hanukkah this year seems interesting enough- I actually bought a few people gifts mid-Amazon binge (I regret nothing).

I wrote a while ago that I thought I would have everything figured out by November. My assessment is that this is somewhat true because I am much more used to my job and have a better idea of where certain other aspects of my life are going. I never really felt like I was floating around, searching for some meaning in my life, but there was a large part of me that wanted to understand and feel more comfortable with my decisions. I still might go back to school relatively soon, feel more serious (whatever that means) with the boo, don’t know if I will be spending another year in my apartment or not (I would like to, but this doesn’t have to be decided yet), and have my short term traveling planned (October weekend trips, Wisconsin, meet the families in the city, going to Puerto Rico).

I also planed my birthday while waiting for the plane since I was so early. New learning: bottle service is expensive. Then again, I already knew that.

Thanksgiving was nice and I got to see most of my relatives. I returned to the city Friday night with my parents and brother. Everyone slept at my apartment and it went ok. Saturday, we brunched with Osho at La Palapa. After my parents left for home, Osho and I looked at animals at an animals shelter near by and picked up hot chocolate at Birdbath. We ventured over to his apartment, where we ate dinner that his mom made with his parents and brother (delish). Sunday and Monday morning, I ran chores. 

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