Monday, August 27, 2012

My first day of class was a media event!

Monday was my first day of class. I couldn't sleep much because I was a bit anxious, as I think is the only way to feel before a first anything. I was supposed to have a 3-hour Journalism class and a 3-hour Aboriginal Art class, but the second class was cancelled. My Journalism class seems really cool and is focused on the environment. I am excited to start because I love to write and have never taken a college Journalism class before, plus our professor seems amazing. Anyways, the Aboriginal Art class will be taught by Cathryn, our program director, who is crazy smart and has lived everywhere/ done everything. It would be a mistake not to take the class that she teaches, but she was sick Monday, so that will be rescheduled soon. Anyways, half way through our Journalism class, the media and a politician named Andrew Stoner who helped NYU gets our academic building in The Rocks intervened. We took photos, got 'I <3 Sydney Australia' t-shirts, ate some sweets, and sipped some tea. It was very staged, but who am I to deny free food? After class, I stayed in the student lounge to finish up some work and then ran some chores. At night, a whole bunch of us went out to Scubar, our new Monday night spot. It was fun, but I didn't stay too late because today (Tuesday) was the first day of my internship. I have been working on a few small projects and drafted a social media campaign proposal for one of the major fashion label clients of the company. Hopefully, I will have more fun and similar projects to work on in the future. Also, I am going to hit up Sydney's Fashion's Night Out on September 6th, which will be great. Will continue to keep everyone posted on how everything is going!

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