Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sotheby's auction and Interning for a non-profit

Monday night, I went to a Sotheby's auction for my Aboriginal Art class. It was smaller than I expected  and took 1.5 hours instead of the anticipated 4 hours, but I still did not really want to be there. It was not something I would want to do again, but I guess it was an interesting experience. I can say I went to  a high-end art auction now. Today, I started my internship/ volunteering for a non-profit creative writing center for kids. I did a bit of filing and some homework, and then I did a bit of tutoring. I really wanted to do something fulfilling, but I don't feel like I did much today. On the other hand, I think I might actually learn a bit about creative writing and do more in the following weeks. Who knows? I am gong to let it breathe. In the meantime, I have been thinking about where I am going to live next semester and what classes I am going to take, as well as watching movies on Netflix to avoid doing homework (even though I am technically ahead). L!fe Happens, Dakota Skye, and Mercy were watched (time stops for my movies when I procrastinate). Also, my coffee habit (long black with soy in Australia/ soy Americano in USA) is starting to kick up again, but I need to calm it down.

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