Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tuesdays are Beachdays

I went to the beach today since I didn't have class or any concrete plans. I started at Coogee Beach and did the walk for the second time to Bondi Beach. It was a really nice day and it was really nice to go outside. I spent a lot of time just sunbathing after the walk. I also saw dolphins jumping and a seal chilling in the water at Bondi. Other creatures were eels captured by a fisherman on the rocks, crabs scurrying, and a lizard on a rock. It was exciting to have so many sightings. I also liked taking the time for myself to really just relax. I actually wasn't stressed at all and got a bit of reading done. When I got back to my room, I ate a ton and watched Cider House Rules. I feel obligated to do some homework, but I really don't want to. I kind of just want to spend time at the beach drinking smoothies and tea and watching really amazing movies/ reading a really great book. This is what I consider an ideal day. I also wish I had some dogs to play with (like my own). That would be nice.

Also, my zoo article got published (the thing where I fed a giraffe and pet a quokka and seal, and touched some other weird Australian critters): http://nyunews.com/index.php/2012/09/24/zoo/.

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